Monday, May 16, 2016

Class Activity (week #10)

This week concepts of phase difference, phasors, impedance, and admittance are taught.

Figure 1: Phase Difference between two waves

Φ = (2π) (∆t / T)

Figure 2: Schematic of Phase Difference of two Vectors

Figure 3: Relationship between Cartesian and Polar Coordinate Systems

Figure 4: Reciprocal Operation of two Voltage in Phasor Form

Figure 5: Time-Domain and Phasor-Domain Representation

Conversion of  V(t) = Vm sin(ωt + Φ) to V(t) = Vm cos (ωt + Φ - 90°) 

Figure 6: Conversion of a Voltage in Time Domain to Voltage in Phasor Domain
In phasor representation, just magnitude and phase difference of a voltage or current will represent.

Figure 7: Conversion of a Complex Number to Phasor Form

Figure 8: Conversion of Sum of Two voltage to Phasor Form

Rectangle form is easier when sum and subtraction of two or more voltage or current in time domain

are done. Phasor form is easier when multiplication and division of two or more voltage or current in

time domain are done. Phasor representation is useful when two voltages or currents have the same


Figure 9: Impedance and Admittance

R = R     ,      XL = j(ωL)    ,    Xc = (1/ jωc) = -j / (ωc) 

Figure 10: Series Circuit Analysis with Phasors

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