Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Signals with Multiple Frequency Components

In this lab, the magnitude response of an electrical circuit is calculated  and this results is used 

to infer the effect of the circuit on some relatively complex input signals. In particular, the 

following input signal types  are applied to the circuit:

·       A signal composed of multiple sinusoidal waves of different frequencies

20[sin(1000πt) + sin(2000πt) + sin(20,000πt)]

·       A sinusoidal signal with a time-varying frequency (a sinusoidal sweep)

Figure 1: Calculation of Output Voltage

Figure 2: Calculation of Transfer Function

Figure 3: Multiple Sinusoidal Waves with Different Frequencies 

Figure 4: A Sinusoidal Sweep Wave 

Figure 5: Response of Circuit 

When frequency goes toward infinity, Xc goes toward zero. This means (Vout/Vin) will go 

to zero. When frequency goes toward zero, Xc goes toward infinity. This means (Vout/Vin) 

will go toward half. The response of circuit by H(ω) will determine.

Figure 6: A Schematic of the Circuit

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