Monday, March 28, 2016

Maximum Power Transfer

According to Thevenin's theorem, when a load resistance is equal with the Thevenin's resistance, the

maximum of power will delivered to the load.

Figure 1: Graph of  the Power vs Load Resistance

Figure 2: Calculation of the  Load Resistance in Maximum Power delivered to it
According to the below circuit, the load resistor is changed, and its drop voltage are measured by

a DMM. Then, load power is calculated, and the graph of load power vs load resistor is sketched by


Figure 3: The Schematic of Circuit

According to the below data table, the maximum power equal 1.33 milliwats is delivered to the load

resistance equal to 4.98 K.

According to the figure 3, internal resistor 4.63 K is measured by a DMM.

So Percent Error = [(4.63 - 4.98) / 4.63]*100% = 7.6%

Figure 4: Data Table of the Load Resistance

Figure 5: Graph of the Load Power vs Load Resistance

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